A Couple of SuperNovas

March 14th, 2014

A Couple of SuperNovas

Warren Gillespie and Wullie Keaning, both of whom have several times been SOSCC club champion, start ther most ambitious programme of motor sports competition ever this weekend. Throughout 2014,  they will tackle several rounds of the BTRDA Autotest Championship , starting with the Hagley and District Motor Club’s event in Curborough which frankly, is a long way South of Dumfries. Unfortunately, all the rounds require quite a hike as they are all south of the border.

Both will compete in 1600cc Novas, Warren’s yellow (ex Dave Boyce) version recently purchased in Ireland and fully prepared to the hilt with all sorts of performance enhancing trickery and lightening, while Wullie’s Nova has in the last two weeks been reshelled, resprayed (black with orange highlights) and rebuilt.

Following a test session tonight on the runway at Heathhall, I hear both cars are ready for action and we wish them all the best in their quest to mix it with the big boys. One thing’s for sure, neither will disappoint, as they have steadily been honing their autotest skills for years but have more recently intensified their prectice sesions in an attempt to be the best they can in a demanding discipline. Team SOSCC stickers will of course be carried on the cars.