More Trophies to Go For.

March 4th, 2015

More Trophies to Go For.

As of January 1st 2015, three new trophies are up for grabs in the SOSCC.

The first is the ‘Young Driver Trophy’, for all members aged between 17 and 22 on January 1st. Points will be awarded to all eligible members for competing on club championship events only.

The second is the ‘Young Rally Driver Trophy’, for all members aged between 17 and 22 on January 1st, competing on events outwith the club. For this trophy, no member may win this trophy more than once and the winner will be decided by the committee.

The third is the ‘Senior Trophy’, for all members 50 or over on January 1st, with points awarded for competing on club championship events only.

Good luck !