Scottish Autotest Champion !.

November 10th, 2013

Scottish Autotest Champion !.

Yesterday’s Scottish Sorting Car Club Tar Autotest at Malcolm’s yard in Johnstone, was the 2013 Scottish Association of Car Clubs (SACC) Autotest Challenge.

At least four SOSCC members were competing and some pretty nifty drivers were battling for the win.

The final results of the top four (all SOSCC members) were:

Wullie Keaning. 315 penalties.

Grainger Robertson. 336 penalties.

Archie Simmonds. 349 penalties.

Warren Gillespie. 350 penalties.

Wullie reports that they all had a great day despite the horrible weather and while both his Nova and Warren’s Mini ran faultlesly all day, the Mini was quite a cone magnet on several runs. Anyway, I believe this makes Wullie the 2013 Scottish Autotest Champion as this is a one round challenge. Well done big guy !.

Here’s a couple of pics taken by Wullie:

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