21/03/2016 Jone’s Yard Auto-test results

March 21st, 2016

21/03/2016 Jone’s Yard Auto-test results

The latest round of the clubs 2016 tar autotest championship, sponsored by Oaktree Garage, was held at Jones Yard at Heathhall. Although, the entry was small in comparison to previous rounds this year, the closeness of the competition made up for this.

We continue to attract entries from outside our main catchment area, & particular thanks to the Palmers from Maryport, & Scott Bell from Selkirk for making the trip. We also had Ian Biagi & family making a reappearance after a lengthy absence from the local scene with their rally cross minis. This was in preparation for this weekends rallycross round at Lydden Hill.

With the sun shining brightly all day, Jack Palmer took the honours in his Ka, with Murray Walker second in his Nissan Sunny & Scott Bell was third in his Mx5 . Scott & Drew McLean fought a close fought battle all day for the RWD honours.

Special mention must go to Brooke Biaggi & Chris Mancini whose combined driving experience amounts to 6 months. They were hampered by punctures, but improved their times throughout the afternoon.

Finally, thanks to Derek Kirkpatrick & Drew McLean for your assistance in the running of the event , Donald Carruthers as Clerk of the Cours/official timekeeper & to the landowner for the use of the land.