Annual Awards Night – 30/01/2016

August 11th, 2015

Annual Awards Night – 30/01/2016

Those of you who know your SOSCC history will realise that on January 27th 2015 will be the 65th anniversary of the club.

Planning has started and we hope to have tickets on sale very soon so that you folks can get your social calendar in order.

It would be remiss of the club to let it pass without some form of mention. We hope to see as many members past and present attend to reminisce of days gone by but more than that, lets celebrate the future of the club and to another 65 years.

As much as modern society dictates that when you go out for night on the town you should wear the latest fashion, I and the committee feel that the occasion should be celebrated with the very least, attendees wearing suits and frocks, your choice (SOSCC operate a non discrimination policy).

The committee would ask that if you know any past member who may be interested in celebrating this milestone, please direct them to the website or pass on my phone number.  All would be welcomed and we would like to hear ‘how it was’ in days gone by.

We will keep you all up to date as plans progress.

(These comments are not necessarily the opinion of SOSCC Committee) PW