Annual General Meeting

May 20th, 2014

Annual General Meeting

The South of Scotland Car Club’s 62nd Annual General Meeting (AGM) will take place on Monday June 2nd at the 5 Arches, Annan Road Dumfries at 7.45pm.

All members and friends are invited and very welcome to attend this meeting, where the office bearers and committe members who will steer the club for the next 12 months will be confirmed. If you are not already a committee member and think you might be able to contribute even a small part to the running of the club or even assist at the odd event, you will be welcomed on board.

It’s always good to see fresh faces on the committee and in fact it’s essential so that we dont get set in our ways.

On the other hand, if you have comments or ideas about the way the club’s run, suggestions to run events we dont already put on, or another item you feel could be added, improved or changed, the AGM is your chance to make a difference, however small.

Remember, 7.45 pm’s the time, and you should know where the 5 Arches is but if not, it’s next door to Arnold Clark’s Renault dealership on the Annan Road in Dumfries. You’ll find our AGM is a very relaxed affair. You may also hear something of a potentially very exciting project the committee are currently working on.

The June committee meeting will immediately follow the AGM.