Charge of the Mk II’s

October 6th, 2012

Charge of the Mk II’s

Today’s Colin McRae Stages in the sunshine, brought out the best in our two crews doing the rally.

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David Bogie and Kevin Rae were seeded 26th in their Mk II Escort and really gave it a workout, even taking fastest time on the last stage. It has to be said that this was the drive most spectators would have been out to see and they certainly weren’t disappointed, David and Kevin finishing in third place overall among all the Mitsu’s and stuff (at least the ones that finished) and showing up some other drivers who should really have blown them away. The pair also took first in class 9, by a slender 5 minutes!.

In another Mk II Escort were Robert Paterson and Neil Richardson and they rose from a seeding of 58th to 24th overall, also winning their class, (5) by a healthy three minutes. A class drive among all the mayhem.

There were 71 starters and 44 finishers.

Well done guys!.