Demonstration Autotest. Lockerbie Tesco. 04/07/12

July 4th, 2012

Demonstration Autotest. Lockerbie Tesco. 04/07/12

What an excellent night, with a very large crowd of spectators coming along to witness tar autotesting close up and personal!.

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Also, around fifteen spectators got to be driven round a test at speed during a break in proceedings and no less than eight local lads, from as far afield as Moffat and Gtretna (but mostly from Lockerbie), came forward to have a taste of autotesting, driving their own cars and seemingly enjoying the experience.

The night can only be classed as a great success and perhaps some of the characters who spend their nights in Tescos Lockerbie car park making a nuisance of themselves will have watched the action and now think about participating in organised, responsible motor sport instead. We’ve done our bit. It’s now up to them.

Membership application forms can be downloaded from this website.

Meanwhile, Alison Clark the MSA’s new Motorsport Development Officer for Scotland seemed to be pleased with the night’s events and it wont have escaped anyone’s notice that Willie Johnstone form the BBC was present and took loads of video for a report that will hopefully appear on Reporting Scotland one night very soon although he tells me it wont be tomorrow (Thursday) as he will be otherwise engaged then and the report will not be completed for a day or two.

Results shown here are pretty well academic as the event did not count toward our championship but many of you asked to see them. Please note that as not all drivers had a fourth run, only the first three have been totalled.

Finally, thanks to Mark Simpson for designing the tests and to all the other members who officiated or marshalled. Without you, this event would not have been possible.

Click here for results.

Demonstration Autotest. Lockerbie Tesco July 4th 2012.