July 7th, 2017
Warning: Use of undefined constant ’thumbnail’ - assumed '’thumbnail’' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /var/www/vip2/sites/vip1763366/httpd/htdocs/wp-content/themes/soscc-twenty-sixteen/single.php on line 42

Good Luck to SoSCC members Greg Mc Knight / Heather Grisedale at Greystoke Stages
Good Luck to Greg Mc Knight / Heather Grisedale at No2 in the Scottish Gritting Evo 9 at Greystoke Stages this sunday
New challenge for SoSCC member Greg Mc Knight on maps instead of notes , but will be under control with SoSCC member Cumbria map expert Heather Grisedale in the hot seat.
results link