September 12th, 2016
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Good weekend for McKnight Motorsport & Main Sponsor Scottish Gritting
Well done to Greg Mc Knight & Laura Marshall in there Mitsubishi EVo 9 group n finish 4 O/A on the last round of the SRC , Armstrong Galloway Hills Rally on Saturday 10th Sept.
After one successfully day and a quick trailer journey they headed south on sunday morning with their gravel spec Evo to the STRC/NERC Pendraogon Stages at Warcop and got their first outright victory against a very strong field of experienced Tarmac specialists.
SSoCC had a a good turn out of crews for the Galloway Hills Rally
Jim Robertson/ Colin Maxwell ,Cireon C2R2 Penpont Garage
43 O/A & 4th in Class
Niall Cowan /Thomas Bruce MGZR ,Dumfries Scooters , retired
On to Sunday at the Pendragon Stages where a good turn out by the SoSCC crews competing were
Greg Mc Knight/ Laura Marshall, Evo 9 1st O/A
Stephen Thompson/ David Crosbie Mk2 Escort ,AMD 6th O/A & 1st class3 in a badly misfiring car for most off the day
Stuart Paterson /Alan Paterson ,Subaru Impreza, Oaktree Garage,
7thO//A & 1st class 5 with also a misfiring Subaru.
Ian Paterson /Heather Grisdale Subaru Impeza Craigiebank Garage
retired when lying 3rd O/A with a puncture which also caused further damage.
Liam Harkness in his first outing in his Subaru Impreza , retiring with Faulty brakes.
Thanks to Eddie Kelly for the great photos above.