Granite City Rally 2014

April 25th, 2014

Granite City Rally 2014

Four crews took part ‘oop North’ on Saturday but before the rally had really got going, David Bogie & Kevin Rae were forced to retire the Focus with a puckered engine even though they were fastest on the one stage they completed. That’s two failures in two rallies for the Focus. Looks like the new Fiesta cant come soon enough !. At least they can count the Granite as a dropped score under championship rules.

Quote from Protec “Bad day for Team Pro-Tec on the Granite City Rally, disaster for David & Kevin before the 2nd stage when the Focus engine failed, total disappointment for all the team for the second event in a row, not sure of how much damage the engine has suffered, but the championship has a long way to go yet, so we”ll be back …..and back strong ….”

Greg & Chris McKnight, Escort II. “Had a good day at Granite City Rally today. Finished 35th overall, 3rd in class and 1st junior. Had a few problems throughout the day, broke 2 shockers and had to drive last 2 stages with the car being held up by the springs which was inter…esting in places. Starter motor packed in, window wipers were playing up all day and again had to drive the last 2 stages with no wipers at all. Fog was difficult in places but was same for everyone. All in all a good day, more points on the board and got 2nd place points for the class, although we were 3rd. Thanks once again to everyone that helped us,  service crew and sponsors! Better get the car onto Tarmac spec now for the Jim Clark!”

James Robertson & Colin Maxwell, C2 R2. “Lucky to get a finish on Saturday. Developed that misfire again for stages 3 and 4, cut out at the end on 4 and wouldn’t restart. Thanks to Chuck Blair and Mark Roberts for their help. Managed to restart and limped over the finish line for 48th overall. It’s a finish that’s what counts.” Faulty throttle sensor sems to have ben the problem here.

Scott Sloan and David Sloan Senior, Corsa. “Well for a change we brought the car back home in one piece haha, 65th overall in fact. Fantastic weekend in Aberdeen for us. Stages were really good with difficult conditions though definitely the wrong decision to use old tyres on the slippy roads as we struggled for grip and on the fast roads our standard gearbox just didn’t want to pull us along any faster which was disappointing. But to finally get a clean rally with no mistakes is great. Disappointed with the times after what i felt was a good drive but happy with a lot of things we learned this weekend. Focus now on the Scottish rally in June.

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