Guid Nychburris Autotest 2014

June 26th, 2014

Guid Nychburris Autotest 2014


Guid Nychburris Autotest June 15th 2014

Thanks to all the competitors, officals and organising team for making the 2014 Guid Nychburris Tarmac Autotest such a success. Some new ideas were tried today and the event ran perfectly and quickly. Special thanks to Colin Rose from Edinburgh for making the trip down to help out with the marshalling & timekeeping and for presenting the Guid Nychburris Trophy to Warren Gillespie. A well deserved FTD after 15 tests.

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Here’s Wullie Keaning’s report, received today, July 8th,

A slightly different approach for our flagship autotest this year, in the style of  British championship autotests with 13 cars tackling 3 different tests one after the other. With 5 runs at each test over the day, everyone completed 15 tests and we had the awards presented and everything tidied up before 4 o’clock.
Class 1 had some close battles. One of these was father and son pairing Stephen and Jack Palmer who were in a new car on this event and things were looking good for Jack, having a sizable advantage in front of his father until the little Rover decided it was going no further after 21 tests.
Another father and son duo were Andrew and Robert Macgegor, this time the older fidle was playing the finer tune with father Andrew taking the bragging rights home, but he didn’t have it all his own way, as Robert had him under real pressure for most of the afternoon. Andrew and Robert finished 4th and 5th respectively in class one. A little further up the road in 3rd was Danny Pattie. Danny put in some very competitive times through the day but had an unfortunate wrong direction early on, making it difficult to recover from.
At the front of the class, Nathan Hogg and Steven Dixon were having a great  battle, tit for tat with test times all day. In the end it was Steven that took the class win but it was a great drive from both competitors.
Class 2 was a one horse race with only Shirley Currie entered, so it was a nice class win for our club champion.
Class 4 was the battle of the Mazdas with Drew McLean, Graham Currie and, “maximum attack” team boss, Gordon Clendining all using MX5s. Drew and Graham had an entertaining sideways battle right to the end, finishing only 5 seconds apart , Graham taking the advantage on this occasion, taking second in class with Drew third. Gordon Clendining showed his class, finishing a little under 3 minutes ahead of the other two Mazdas and taking 3rd overall.
Class 5 was the clash of the titans, with Nova drivers Willie Keaning and Warren Gillespie both really wanting to take the Guid Nychburris trophy home. Willie lost a little time with a couple of small mistakes early on and a small fuel issue with the car. But either way, Warren was flying and using his little yellow Nova to excellent effect. They finished with Willie second and Warren taking the win.   Willie told Warren to keep the trophy well polished as Willie wants it back next year.
A great day was had by all and I would like to take this opportunity to thank everbody involved with the running of this autotest. Thanks to Mark Simpson, Garry Gillespie and Donald Carruthers for marshaling and time keeping on the tests, and to Colin Rose and Dean Gillespie for marshalling
Thanks also to Karen Clendining for time keeping, and to Knavesmire for the use of this excellent venue.
We hope everyone involved had a great day and we hope to see you out again soon.
The organising team
Warren Gillespie, Gordon Clendining and Willie Keaning.