Jack Frost’s an Understatement!.

January 21st, 2013

Jack Frost’s an Understatement!.

Quite why anyone would see haring round a racetrack that’s covered in ice and snow as fun escapes me. I’ve been at Croft when it’s like this and even from the warmth of a hospitality tent, it looks brutal out there.

Nonetheless, James Robertson and Colin Maxwell took James’s C2 R2 to Croft for yesterday’s Jack Frost Stages and finished 35th overall against all the odds and the elements. Well done to both of them and its to be hoped this is the first of many outings for the pair, considering they haven’t been in the stages for a long while.

Colin tells me they were seven minutes quicker on stage 8 than they were on stage 1, (the same stage but in the opposite direction) and that was despite stage 8 being tackled in the dark. With the prevailing hard packed icy conditions of yesterday, it’s not unheard of for a car to have completed 30 miles of stages but with 80 miles or more showing on the trip meter, after all the wheelspin.