Nithsdale Targa. May 5th.

May 5th, 2013

Nithsdale Targa. May 5th.

Well the general consensus is that today’s event was a success and a special ‘well done’ to all our visistors from over the border. Good effort boys and girls and we look forward to seeing you back here again.

Also, many thanks to our fabulous marshals who did a great job, leap frogging from test to test and keeping us all under control. Thanks guys, it wouldn’t have been possible without you.

Also grateful thanks to all the landowners. We are so fortunate we have access to some brilliant venues.

Results will appear here asap. Just sorry my old ‘B’ didnt make it to the end but glad it was only a tuppeny part that let it down and it couldn’t have been handier than breaking down on the test just 500 yards from the house. Also well done to my missus who has never competed in any event in her life and took to the navigators job like a duck to water. To all those who took bets on us falling out……………….. tough!. (Mind you it was touch and go after the first two tets when my brain was still in another county!).


Roly P.