Oakbank Autotest. January 2015

January 18th, 2015

Oakbank Autotest. January 2015

Conditions were fresh but otherwise ideal for our first event of the year, our traditional tar autotest at Oakbank, Brasswell. With an hour to go, the test area was 90% covered in snow and ice but by 12.00 noon, only 5% of any slippery assistance remained!.

All ten entrants got off to a good start on this event which had only two tests, each of which had to be tackled twice.

Danny Pattie (our new club champion) had a great day and pushed Gordon Clendinning hard especially on the first six tests and while the gap opened a little toward the end, he stuck at it with determination. I’d really like to see this young man, undoubtedly the winner of ‘best improved driver’ award, if only we had one!. Gordon’s comprehensively lowered MX5 was in top form however and another overall win was really never in doubt.

Kelsey and Dean Gillespie were sharing the Gillespie 106 with Willie Keaning but when alarm bells started ringing when ‘orrible clutch smells started, Willie gave up his seat. Drew McLean was trying to get to grips with the unpredictable diff on his MX5 while Harry Marchbank and Hathan Hogg arrived in a very recently acquired VW Lupo which revved it’s nuts off all day. Thankfully, they disconnected the horn which blew most of the way round, possibly cos the button’s too close to the driver’s right hand while gripping the wheel tightly while the left one’s tugging the hanbrake.

Stephen and Jack Palmer were rewarded with their long run from Maryport with a day where they were constantly watching each other’s times/antics. Jack’s love affair with penalty markers finally ended on the last run but even without the penalties, dad would still have just nicked it.

Thanks to Warren, Dean and Kelsey Gillespie, Wullie Keaning, Gordon Clendinning and Roland Proudlock who all signed on as officials/marshals and ensured that the event was all over long before sundown.

Finally, many thanks to Oakbank Services yet again for the use of the yard and for clearing all the trucks and trailers off it.

Thanks to Thelma for producing these results:

Oakbank Autotest 18 January 2015