PCT. Sunday July 27th.

July 28th, 2014

PCT. Sunday July 27th.

Six members took part in Sunday’s PCT at Kirkton Field Farm, on what looked to be a fairly unsettled morning as far as weather goes, but we were lucky to have only a ten minute shower all day.

We had a great field with two steep hills, somewhat resembling a half pipe. We ran a test on each hill and were no time getting through 4 runs at each. The tests were designed to be fairly easy but there were a couple of sections that caught out even the more experienced competitors.
At the lunch halt, the organising team took the opportunity to change the tests, trying to keep them as easy as possible as per the morning tests but still with enough driving to make it interesting. With another 4 runs at each test, everybody had 16 runs in total and an enjoyable day out.
Results at the end of the day were:
Class 2.   Warren Gillespie  16 fails     12 points.
Class 2.   Willie Keaning       23 fails    11 points
Class 2.   Graham Currie      49 fails    10 points
Class 2.   Kelsey Gillespie     77 fails    9 points
Class 2.   Shirley currie         96 fails    8 points
Class 2.   Dean Gillespie       99 fails    7 points
All competitors used the Gillespie family’s Peugeot 106, so many thanks to them for the use of that.
Finally we would like to thank the landowner, David Sloan, for the use of this excellent field. And thanks to the organising team, Willie Keaning and Warren Gillespie.
Hope to see more of you out next time.