Pirelli Marshals Request.

March 14th, 2015

Pirelli Marshals Request.

Barry Lindsay from Spadeadam Motor Club has been in touch, requesting assistance with marshalling on one of the three stages to be used twice on this year’s Pirelli Rally on April 25th. Your duties, should you choose to accept this mission, will be to man either the flying finish or stop lines of the stage.

If you can help, please contact Barry directly on 07745 450714 or email him on barry.lindsay@tiscali.co.uk

While the rally isn’t in the British Rally Championship this year, probably because the BRC championship isn’t running this year!!, it is still a round of the British Historic, the RAC Historic, the Northern Historic and the ANECCC Championships.

The times are: Sign on between 9.30 and 10.00am. 1st Car at 12.05. and then the stage is repeated at 14.38pm.