Solway Coast Rally August 9th/10th

August 1st, 2014

Solway Coast Rally August 9th/10th

Albert Connelly from the Solway Car Club has asked for this appeal to be posted here:

“A lot of marshals are still needed for this event if you can help in any way either as a team or single. As you can image with two days it a big organisational and marshalling challenge for a small club so anyone who wishes to help out please get in touch. We need a finish team and a lot of junction marshals if you can help in any way on the Saturday or Sunday or both it would be much appreciated.

Contact our club chief marshals Stewart Robertson on 01387 850274 or John Wallace on 01556 610590 email Or Albert Connelly on 01556 503854 or Sanny Dobie on 07742082001 or