Targa Rallying with SOSCC.

November 6th, 2012

Targa Rallying with SOSCC.

Doonhamer Classic

Since the Doonhamer Classic in September, there’s been a lot of chat about what happens next, so following last night’s Board meeting, here’s what’s planned for 2013.

Firstly, it’s worth reiterating that for 2013, the Doonhamer Classic will be limited to cars built up to and including December 31st 1990. This decision is borne out of the expectation that the Doonhamer’s popularity will continue to grow and we really want the event to be populated by the cars it is intended for – Classic and Historic Cars. Admittedly cars up to 1990 may not be deemed to be ‘classic’ or ‘historic’, but they are Retro and by 2013 will in any case be at least 23 years old!.

We are delighted to announce that the Start/Finish venue will again be the Barony Agricultural College and that Lockerbie Lorry Park will again feature as the lunch/test halt. New for 2013 will be at least two, three, or even four new test venues, all classic car friendly. And Galloway Industrial will again generously sponsor the event.

May Targa Rally

Having limited the age of cars that will be eligible for the Doonhamer, we recognise that some members will still want to have a SOSCC event that they can do with modern or ‘shopping’ cars and as briefly mentioned in a previous post, we intend to run an event similar in style to the Doonhamer, on Sunday May 5th, which will be open to any age of car, as long as it’s legal for the road and two wheel drive. The entry fee will be lower and there may not be as many tests or as much food as the Doonhamer but it will still be a rally that a crew of two can enjoy without having to save up the entry fee to pay for.

These plans fit directly within the MSA’s recent announcement that they want to promote ‘Targa’ Rallies, (which is in fact what the Doonhamer Classic is) as a cost effective way of letting people having fun on rallies without the expense.

Trust SOSCC to be ahead of the game!.